After I let you starving for about two weeks I am going to post new pictures.

I am running into the wild Tasman Sea. But before I could go for a swim I had to realize, that it was pretty damn cold.

Bayleys Beach. In the far north of NZ. It is a really nice beach, that is over 100km long and it is not as "crowded" as the 90mile beach. Less crowded means 2 people instead of 10 at the whole beach.

Lake Taupo

A nice stream on the way up in the mountains. It belongs actually to a walk, that is about 7 to 9 hours long. We just thought that the way was to busy, so we just walked 1 hour.

Yes they do exist! Sheeps. A lot of sheeps.Everywhere... They were kind of confused, when we crossed their way. So they decided to stand still infront of our car and did nothing. But just until the mean sheepdog arrived and kicked their asses.

It was one of these rainy days. So I had to sit inside of the Victorian Style backpacker hostel in Wanganui. Check out my new shoes and the new t-shirt, that fits to the balustrade and to my jacket.

Castlecliff beach. It looks kind of scary and I was scared. Rough sea, dead trees and black sand. Created by the devil himself.
Hi Andy. It seems that just you visit my little site. But at least someone I am doin it all for. Thanks for the comment. I really just made the pics to give you that feeling ;-)
Hopefully everything is fine with you and your studies.
Keep on writing commments my friend.
2:50 AM
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