Jobsituation changed....

Because the callcenter neither provides training this week I started a new job!
Yesterday night my career in NZ - Auckland NIGHTLIFE began!
After I've been to a trip on a beautiful island called "Waiheke Island" which is just 35 minutes from Auckland by ferry , I just got this job. I 've been to a nice vineyard and did some vinetastings. And the lovely people who owned the place just asked me if I want a job. Now I figured out how it really works with the job thing here...
The good thing is that the family really owns a lot of stuff down here. They have several bars, restaurants, and clubs. Not to forget about the vineyard (really great vine!). And if you are part of their crew you probably will get around the area for a while. So now I have the oppurtunity to either work maybe on this island on a café or on their vineyard or here in Auckland in the bars and clubs.
Yesterday night was hard work but really funny in a cool crew. One german guy, one danish, one american and two brasilian girls plus maori security. as we say here: cool? cool!
hi andy. Seems that your are the only one posting somethin' in here. Actually I am missing some comments from friends. Bloody hell write somethin' folks!!!!
Sounds like really hard work you got to do at your hospital. Cool that you are already allowed to assist in an OP.
So.. Cheers MAN!
You'll get a real mail soon.
8:02 AM
förlåt, men jag är väldigt väldigt upptagen. och så tycker jag det är tråkigt att du skriver på engelska.
6:53 PM
Vad ska jag gör? Jag vill inte skreva allt pa tva olika sprak!
Inte alla svenskarna kan snacka tyska sa bra som du! Och dom vill oksa vet hur det är i Nya Zealand. Men kul att jag fick ett kommentar fran dig. Du fa ocksa skicka ett mail om du vill...
6:10 AM
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