Die gesammelten bebilderten Erlebnisse von mir aus Neuseeland. Für alle, die wissen wollen, wie es mir da so ergeht.

Donnerstag, September 14, 2006

some auckland pics

Do you see that beach??? A few seconds to this place I will work! LOVELY!!!


Anonymous Anonym said...

hello Henning!

well, im just gonna write in english so that everyone understands what im trying to say.
first of all, im very proud of you :) big step for a lil man like you (well not that little. haha) anyways, i hope auckland is great and, except for that little rain jacket accident, the weather is too. how is your job? well from my own experience i know that a calling center isnt the funniest place to work at. well, long talk...i wish you all the best down under and i hope that i (and the rest of your german friends) will hear and read from you til the end of your stay!

10:06 PM

Anonymous Anonym said...

Some nerd-photo-talk... the city pic has a nice composition. Just the 'Fort' sign behind disturbs the atmosphere, but hey that's reality...

3:14 PM


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