"Party Pills" and other stuff

hej folks. After several days blog pause comes a brand new entry.
This time you will learn something about the habits of the kiwis, I mean the people not the bird. Actually they are quite funny.
First thing is that everyone is kind of crazy. Second thing is that they just love Rugby. This strange sport is everywhere around. You go to a park and you will always see guys with a rugby in their hand. Even if they are just out for a

Another strange thing are "Party Pills"!
In New Zealand they sell in 24hours stores things called "Party Pills". They look like fucking real party drugs and probably are. It says on them that they are just legal in NZ and you will be probably sentenced by a court if you take them out of the country. These pills promise you to party like minimum eight hours or another brand promises you a total personal change or a psychodelic trip. Really strange stuff. I have heard from some guys who took them that they just got crazy and were on a trip for like two days. And this stuff is totally legal here. And actually NZ is country that has quite strict laws about drugs. I mean they do not allow snus... and for the smokers cigarettes are expensive as hell. One package costs more than 6euro.
But of course I will not test these pills on myself.
Next blog entry will come soon. I think I have to write something about the lefthand driving.
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